
Published in 硕士生, 2020

Wen Han received his B.S. degree in software engineering in 2018 from Yangtze University, Jing Zhou, China. Now, he is studying for the master degree at the College of Information Technology in Nanjing Forestry University. His research interests include Computer Vision and Deep Learning.
  1. Xu Sheng, Han Wen, Ye Weidu and Ye Qiaolin(*). "3-D Contour Deformation for the Point Cloud Segmentation." IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 19, pp. 1-5, 2022, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2021.3098924.
  2. Han Wen, Cao Lei, Sheng Xu(*). A Method of the Coverage Ratio of Street Trees Based on Deep Learning, International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, DOI: 10.9781/ijimai.2022.07.003, 2022.
  1. 韩文, 徐昇. 一种林业遥感监控装置, 2020.12.17, 专利号:ZL 2020 2 3055376, 已授权
  2. 韩文, 徐昇. 一种图像识别的自动检测装置, 2021.01.11, 专利号:ZL 2021 2 0067704, 已授权
  1. 2020级,专硕,电子信息,一等学业奖学金,金额:12000
  2. 2023.06 毕业,论文题目:基于深度学习的高分辨率遥感图像目标检测方法研究
  3. 就业:国有企业